Development Operations (DevOps) and Development Security Operations (DevSecOps) although share similar principles have slightly different areas for concern.

DevOps vs DevSecOps
Development Operations (DevOps) and Development Security Operations (DevSecOps) although share similar principles have slightly different areas for concern.

Malicious Code
Malicious code usually performs actions against the user’s interest.

What is Enumeration in Cyber Security?
Cyber security enumeration is a process used by both security professionals and attackers alike to establish a collective knowledge of…

What is Penetration Testing Software?
Penetration testing software is the toolset of penetration testers. These range from enumeration tools such as host and port discovery…

What is a computer worm and how do you prevent them?
Read our complete guide on what computer worms are, how they work & spready, why they’re dangerous & how to…

What is a Network Penetration Test?
Network penetration tests are used to identify security weaknesses within the networks (both internal networks and external networks). This includes…

Is Open Source or Proprietary More Secure?
Open-source software projects are, in theory, more secure than closed-source/proprietary software due to the clear disclosure of security vulnerabilities and…

What is Broken Authentication?
Broken authentication refers to a weakness in the design or implementation of access controls inherent in an online platform or…

Can You Pentest AWS?
Unless you are working directly with AWS then you will not be able to run a pentest against the AWS…